Firestone (2022)

27.6x19.7 in ~ Painting, Acrylic, Pencil, Marker

Buy the original: €130.00   €68.00 + Shipping
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Pubblicità di pura fantasia composizione personale su tela, eseguita con colori acrilici e Uniposca fondo color tabacco eseguito a Spray.
Se siete interessati ad una grafica in particolare personalizzata, basta contattarmi direttamente per mail.

Advertising of pure fantasy personal composition on canvas, executed with acrylic colors and Uniposca tobacco-colored background executed with Spray.
If you are interested in a specifically customized graphics, just contact me directly by email.

If the design you like has already been sold, remember that there is a printing service for the exhibited works, they can be printed on canvas, metal, and coated paper, even large sizes.
Once the prints are ready, they are packed and shipped with a PREMIUM EXPRESS courier directly to your home!
If you have any questions or want a quote for a personal job, send me an email and I will answer you immediately.


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